Time Detectives: Investigating Images of a Nation

Can you prove the old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words"? As you observe the following photographs, look for clues that show who? what? where? when? how? why?

Photo Gallery





 Photograph 1

 Photograph 2



 Photograph 3





 Photograph 4

 Photograph 5


Activity One - Filing

Would you file these photographs under the heading of PEOPLE, OBJECTS, or ACTIVITIES?

Photograph 1:

Photograph 2:

Photograph 3:

Photograph 4:

Photograph 5:


Activity Two - Taking a Second Look

Take a closer look at one of the photographs.




Activity Three - Making Inferences

List three things you might infer from this photo:



Activity Four - Updating

Would a current version of this photograph look similar or different? Find or create an updated image to support your statement.


Activity Five - Sequencing

List the photographs in chronological order. Explain your sequence.





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Lesson developed by Gail Desler, Elk Grove Unified School District, and Heidi Dettwiller, San Juan Unified School District